Sunday, July 10, 2011

I got a bad speeding ticket, and i believe an early resolution is my best bet......?

Hello, yes i was an idiot, if it makes you feel better there were no trees, no people, no driveways, and i went down a hill accelerating..... through a speed trap, i apparently hit 92 in a 50 km/hr zone. i live in guelph ontario, and i beleive an early resolution is my best chance considering this is my first offence ever.... That being said, id basically talk to the prosecutor one on one and ask if the ticket can be lowered to 29km/hr, basically say that i made a very poor choice, that its my first offence, and that i sure as hell learned my lesson. Also to explain that i need to commute to school and work to pay for my car insurance which is now going to rise. Im 19 and have my g2 that being said my liscence will be suspended if not this opportunity for 30 days. An ex cop that fights traffic tickets recommended this would be my best option, any opinions? I'm honestly not a aggresive driver..... this was a one time thing which is why it upsets me soo much, it was such a stupid decision.

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