Thursday, July 14, 2011

What college choice would you choose?

so I applied to 2 colleges on monday, and today one of them offered me a spot in the class. The one that offered me the spot is about 15 mins from my house, which means I could keep my job, live at home, and not have to worry about a busy commute. The other college is about an hr away (if the traffic isn't busy that is, then it can take about an 1 1/2) I could only work on the weekends, and the gas money would kill me because I can't afford to live in that city. the thing is the college that is farther away is one of the best colleges for the course I'm doing, the one close to me is also good, I've never heard anything bad about it. so I'm having a little crisis, because I can't decide which one to go to. what one would you choose?

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