Friday, July 15, 2011

Which college is better for a working adult National University or Golden Gate University?

I work full time and do not wish to attend a university with a bad reputation like Devry or UOP. I wish to finish a bachelor degree in business. After careful consideration I have narrowed down my choices to either Golden Gate University or National University. National University has a campus in San Jose where I live and Golden Gate University is in SF. Both offer online courses but with GGU I will have to commute to SF periodically to sell my used textbooks. I do not mind this at all. My question is more about National University, are they a well respected University and will employers view a business degree from NU as legitamate? I have already considered San Jose City College and understand that it would be cheaper but will take quite a bit longer. I am 26 years old and wish to have my degree finished at least by 31. Anyone go to either university? Anyone graduate from either University? Is NU as respected as GGU? Both schools are accreditated by the WASC, this is partly why I am considering them. NU may be more convenient for me but will a bachelor's degree from here be as respected as a bachelor's degree from GGU? I also want to have the option of going on to get a Master's degree from SJSU or any other well respected college later. Any advice or help with this is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

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